Tuesday, 12 February 2013

New camera pictures!

Well Rory and I finally found some time to play with the camera at the weekend. 
To tell you the truth I'm getting a bit bored of shooting in the house, one wall and limited to 3 quarter length  shots - so If you are sitting thinking "I'm bored of these" then you aren't alone, although I admit I do quite like this last lot of shots.

I do have some positive news about the issues I never went into much detail over. Things appear to be on the up *fingers crossed* (touching wood). 

Its never nice when you are mentally focused on something else but trying hard to maintain a normal lifestyle..

I had a very lovely few days last week actually, I may even end up sharing images here if the photographer lets me. I got to work with a model who I have admired for MANY years. When the photographer asked if I was interested I have to admit I was quite nervous, its not that easy working with other models but when its somebody you respect as an artist its even more scary.

Thankfully Ulorin Vex (who was the other model) turned out to be super lovely, its amazing hearing about her life and some of the projects she is involved in. You know when you meet people and you just think "you are so f$%king cool"? - that phrase fits perfectly with how my feel about her! One of the coolest chicks ever and I would love to work with her again when she ventures back over to this side of the pond. Star struck? hell yes!

 I almost had a shoot yesterday with John, but unfortunately he got called off to work.. We did however quickly find a location for future shoots (see below). I can already picture myself standing in the water and its not very far away from where I live so thats handy!

Seeing as I had my makeup on anyway I decided to try something under my hallway skylight window - which didn't really work and wasn't helped by my trigger batteries deciding to die so all done with the self timer meaning the minute I got into the "zone" I was back out of it again and faffing about with the camera. However I do kind of like this one, I just wish there was more focus on me than the horrible textured wall behind me.

 I was planning to also plug the studio day I have coming up, but there is no need now as its all filled up. I haven't done many studio days in the past, I know models are supposed to be full of confidence however I always think the worst and I struggle to put myself out there. I know that might make me less pro active in getting work than others but I always liked the less direct approach. If somebody spots my blog or work and wants to work with me then my inbox is open. 

Anyway I needn't have worried, I had 5 out of the 7 slots booked within an hour of advertising. To say I was delighted was an understatement. I was thrilled, like I said I don't do studio days very often. I think I have only actually done 1 in the past by myself. Its such a great idea though, being in the one place with everything I need and having the base for the day. I honestly can't wait to work with all these new people and see what they come up with :-)

I even had a few messages from others who contacted me to late/wanted more than an hour or weren't available on that date so it means there is a possibility of another one in the near future. Plus the studio is literally 2 minutes walk from my old house so I will get to go back to where I spent my late teens and early 20's which will be nice. Govan watch out <3 p="">

I have lots of other things going on, including a couple of pictures of me being shown in a gallery exhibition in Glasgow - 

It features the work of two artists, one being my dear friend Billy - Monkey Twizzle. So would be well worth checking out should you be in the area. I've also sorted myself out with a little fun camera time with him as its been ages since I was last down for a visit and I do love going back and seeing what we can get up to!

Anyway I will no doubt be back soon, I have a fair bit coming up in the near future and throughout March so keep those eyes peeled :D 


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