Well Rory and I had a little free day and transportation so we decided on Friday evening that we would get up nice and early and head off somewhere, I scoured online trying to find somewhere cool to shoot in. I was thinking an abandoned location but in the morning we both kind of decided to head off in one direction so off we went to the west coast and Glencoe- Etive was our destination.
I love being over there, seriously its my favourite landscape backdrop to shoot in! It was pretty windy and cold but I won't complain too much about that - my complaint is cutting my foot open (in the location this next shot was in). There was a pile of deer poo under my feet, obviously I don't mind about standing in animal shit if I have to (as long as its not dog poo or cat poo.. somehow I see them as human) Anyhow the deer to gave birth to that particular poo must have had a very bad diet indeed because I felt this horrible pain and looked down and had a thick bit of glass sticking out my foot. First reaction was to freak out - Blood/pain is not really a favourite past time of mines. Once getting rid of the glass we went back to the car with me hobbling along minus my shoes.
When I got back to the car the baby wipes came out, I always thought I was kinda lucky in that I have never really properly hurt myself on a shoot before - not that I am overly careful but my foot was proper dripping with blood and I was frightened I had not managed to get rid of all the glass... Ahhhh!
Well its now 3 days on, the first night was painful. I went for a nice soak when I got home and the cut opened up again and started bleeding.. I honestly never thought it was going to stop and because of its location it seemed to open up everytime I walked.
Plasters and savlon have made the past couple of days bearable - Lesson this week is watch where you are putting your feet and don't stand in shit!!
I recovered enough to shoot another couple of locations but it wasn't easy having to mop my blood up before the pictures were taken and walking from the car to the locations wasn't exactly easy either but we done it. I do really like the first shot I posted and my red hair looks fab beside the dark green trees and rugged landscape!
Chrissie xxxx
These are so beautiful. That one of you reclining in front of the dark trees ought to be hanging on a wall.